Expert intel through interviews with security chiefs, tech experts, and policy shapers.
Utility Security
Your command center for all things utility security! From power plant warriors to grid guardians, and even curious citizens, this publication is your essential briefing on securing our nations utilities.
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Stay informed and protect your essential services! Our monthly e-newsletter provides critical insights and timely tips to safeguard your electricity, water, and gas from cyber threats and scams.
Whether it’s solar, geothermal, wind or hydro, utilities are implementing more renewable energy generation sources than ever before. But with their rapid march toward these green energy sources come some new and distinct security challenges. To learn about what risks to consider and strategies to implement, I had a conversation with Idaho National Laboratory’s Emma […]
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An in-Depth Conversation About Physical Security Strategies, Dealing with Emerging Threats, Robotic Dogs, Preventing Theft, Where Regulations are Heading and More
Know Your Diamonds from Your Pencils: Talking All Things Physical Security with SERC’s Travis Moran
An Interview with Mark Aysta, Duke Energy’s Managing Director of Enterprise Security
Forging a Secure Tomorrow: Duke Energy’s Path to a More Resilient Future
There’s a great quote by Confucius that says: “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” And it’s truly applicable for security professionals because no matter how much one plans, strategizes and fully commits to preventing an incident, along comes something that challenges those efforts in ways that can help an organization grow, evolve and achieve an even …
An Interview with Idaho National Laboratory’s Andrew Bochman About How Climate Impacts Need to be Planned for and Acted on Today
How ‘Global Weirding’ is Creating New Threats for Utility Security Professionals
If you search for “Andrew Bochman” on Amazon’s website, the first listing to appear is a book he co-authored about countering cyber sabotage. If you search his name on YouTube, you’ll find videos of him presenting on topics including managing risk and operational technology cybersecurity. Bochman dedicated much of his career to helping with the security and resiliency of utilities.
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What is More Critical than Utilities?
“Why launch a utility security magazine?” is a question I’ve heard a few times as we’ve worked over the past year to launch Utility Security. And my best response to that question is to ask this: When you hear the words “Flint, Michigan,” what is the first thing that comes to mind?
I would bet…
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Meet NERC CIP Compliance Guidelines with ALCEA High Security Locking Solutions
North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) compliance standards obligate utilities with critical assets to take steps to address physical security risks and vulnerabilities. They also require all electric utilities to have a physical security plan and program in place to monitor an…