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Expert intel through interviews with security chiefs, tech experts, and policy shapers.

Utility Security

Your command center for all things utility security! From power plant warriors to grid guardians, and even curious citizens, this publication is your essential briefing on securing our nations utilities.

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An in-Depth Conversation About Physical Security Strategies, Dealing with Emerging Threats, Robotic Dogs, Preventing Theft, Where Regulations are Heading and More
Curtis Marquardt Jr.: Can you tell our readers more about your background and what you do for SERC Reliability Corporation.? Travis Moran: I began my career in law enforcement, first as an analyst with Interpol. After several years, I joined the U.S. State Department as a special agent, where I served for six-and-a-half years. I […]

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Duke article illustration
An Interview with Mark Aysta, Duke Energy’s Managing Director of Enterprise Security

Forging a Secure Tomorrow: Duke Energy’s Path to a More Resilient Future

An Interview with Idaho National Laboratory’s Andrew Bochman About How Climate Impacts Need to be Planned for and Acted on Today

How ‘Global Weirding’ is Creating New Threats for Utility Security Professionals

Strong perimeter protection can be one of your best investments. But don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s a set-it-and-forget-it endeavor.

Perimeter Control as the First Line of Defense

For many utilities, physical security begins at the door or the parking lot. However, robust facility protection starts at the perimeter. But we often abandon this defense resource to aesthetics, budget restraints, or misplaced values. This makes a secure perimeter the least considered and most often overlooked element of facility security. However, resilient perimeter protection should be your…
The Biennial Drill and Tabletop Brought Together 252 Organizations to Test Their Security and Resiliency and Discover Areas of Need

GridEx VII Reveals Continuing Challenges of Post-Covid Hybrid Work, Communications and Technology

In November 2023, the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC) and its Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC) conducted the seventh biennial GridEx. “GridEx is one of the largest and most comprehensive security drawings that are done in any critical infrastructure sector,” said Manny Cancel, senior vice president and CEO of E-ISAC. “It has been going on for more th…

What is More Critical than Utilities?

“Why launch a utility security magazine?” is a question I’ve heard a few times as we’ve worked over the past year to launch Utility Security. And my best response to that question is to ask this: When you hear the words “Flint, Michigan,” what is the first thing that comes to mind? I would bet…

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Meet NERC CIP Compliance Guidelines with ALCEA High Security Locking Solutions

. North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) compliance standards obligate utilities with critical assets to take steps to address physical security risks and vulnerabilities. They also require all electric utilities to have a physical security plan and program in place to monitor an…