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Protecting Water Utilities from Drone Threats: Understanding the Steps of a Drone Security Methodology that Support the J100 framework

The small uncrewed aerial system (sUAS) ecosystem can seem overwhelmingly complex, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The wars in the Middle East, Nagorno Karabakh, Ukraine, and now Gaza have proven that we need to pay attention to the threat that drone technology poses to our critical infrastructure. The use cases of this evolution are abound on social media and events in the United States continue to show that it’s not a matter of “if” but “when” an event occurs.  Ukraine is the most prominent example of this evolution as we continue to see that drone technology is moving from battlefield...

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How ‘Global Weirding’ is Creating New Threats for Utility Security Professionals

If you search for “Andrew Bochman” on Amazon’s website, the first listing to appear is a book he co-authored about countering cyber sabotage. If you search his name on YouTube, you’ll find videos of him presenting on topics including managing risk and operational technology cybersecurity. Bochman dedicated much of his career to helping with the security and resiliency of utilities. Interview with Andy Bochman But as the years passed, he watched—along with the rest of us—climate event after climate event continuously wreak havoc on utilities. In bearing witness to those events, Bochman saw a...

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Partnering with Law Enforcement to Improve Bomb Threat Prevention and Response: A Conversation with the Office for Bomb Prevention’s Charles Leas

  With attacks on utilities growing every year, it is more important that ever to have a sound bomb threat response program in place. A key element to that program is to work together with state and local law enforcement to establish lines of communication about potential threats as well as establishing an effective response plan. Utility Security magazine’s Editor-in-Chief, Curtis Marquardt Jr., had a chance to sit down with the Office of Bomb Prevention’s Operation’s Chief, Charles Leas, to talk about how utilities can create or improve their bomb threat program.  Curtis Marquardt Jr.: At...

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Threats on the Horizon: The Challenges of Securing the Nation’s Water Utilities and the Strategies to Overcome Them

As I sat down to write this article, the town of Flint, Michigan, popped into my head. For anybody who works in the water sector, the mere mention of Flint is likely to spark mental images of a water crisis, national news coverage, footage of angry citizens, and a glimpse into what the fallout from a water crisis looks like. And while Flint’s 2014 water management fiasco was not borne from the impacts of a security breach, it certainly does forecast what could happen should a water utility suffer an attack that impairs its ability to deliver potable drinking water to its communities. To paraphrase...

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Are You Ready for a Drone Attack on Your Infrastructure?

In July 2020, someone fitted a DJI drone with two long ropes; both ropes had a long copper wire tied to the end of it. That person then attempted to fly the drone into a substation in Pennsylvania. Through luck or perhaps operator error, the drone never reached the substation, instead crashing onto the roof of an adjacent building. But as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reported, this effort was done with the intent to disrupt the grid. Since then, we’ve seen the use of drones in military conflicts overseas ramp up considerably, including an instance where Ukraine sent drones into Russia...

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